I'm dreaming my way to see Michael Monroe down the Turku book festival in early October, but there's hell of mis-promo in there. I mean, I can find Michael within the performer/authors section but no kind of a date, time nor stage, so I'm not completely sure if he's even coming.. Anyway, as long as I can have even the smallest suspicion of him coming, I'm in. Just trying to get Sixx to come with me, because Bambie and Dirty Monroe are going to Turku within their car and they'll spend the night at their sister's. However, Sixx is cool company :D That's why I want her to come. I'll wait a while til the info of the book festival answers my email before I start planning any detailed chedules for the day, no matter how I'm feeling the temptation to.

School's keeping me quite busy this week, I gotta sew a freaking mushroom or whatever it is to my grafts lesson (return day: tomorrow), read a book for Finnish lesson (return day: Thurstday).. Though the book was optional, so I'm reading my favourite one (of fictional books), Restaurant At The End Of The Universe. And I've got a Cooper's test tomorrow; I practised running last night and all I managed to accomplish was to twist my right ankle - practise helps my result so fucking much! Gotta get back to work :D

Now Listening: Hanoi Rocks - Are You Lonely Tonight?

Love, Nancie

Ps. These boots are made for rocking, kicking ass and stepping over lines.